Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Is SingThat Sh*t genre specific?

A: No, regardless of your preferred music genre, you can play STS.  The more diverse the tastes of music of the players, the better!

Q: Are there any swear words in the deck?

A: No.  There aren't any explicit words in the deck. 

Q: How many players can play?

A: The game is best played at least 2 players.

Q: Is there an age limit for playing the game?

A: The game is suitable for ages 13 and up.

Q: How do I win the game?

A: Each song that players sing with the provided is worth 1 point unless there is a blue star on the card.  Songs that are sung with a blue star word are worth 3 points each.  Whichever team has more points at the end of the game wins.